= Cilk Hub taking on Cilk development after Intel announcement :page-layout: page :page-subheadline: Cilk Hub :page-teaser: Cilk Hub is taking on Cilk development. :page-categories: cilkhub :date: 2017-12-01 In light of link:https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/migrate-your-application-to-use-openmp-or-intelr-tbb-instead-of-intelr-cilktm-plus[Intel's recent announcement] that they would no longer maintain link:https://www.cilkplus.org/[Intel Cilk Plus], Cilk Hub is taking on Cilk development. The link:/tapir/[Tapir/LLVM compiler] is nearly 100% compliant with the Intel Cilk Plus minus the vector extensions and is suitable for multithreaded task parallelism. Tapir/LLVM also supports some extensions to Intel Cilk Plus, such as the ability to spawn statement blocks.